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Get Reimbursed for Getting out the Vote!

If turnout is high, Democrats will win!

Thanks to the DC Democratic State Committee, the Ward One Democrats will reimburse DC residents up to $75 for a car rental or $25 for gas per day to go volunteer for Get Out the Vote for Congressional races in Virginia or Pennsylvania! 


There are tight Congressional races near DC that you can help with. Abigail Spanberger and Leslie Cockburn in Virginia can use the most volunteer help, while Jennifer Wexton is closer to DC, but is in the lead. And if you want to go a little further, there are some tight Pennsylvania races as well that can use more volunteers. Sign up below on the campaign websites!


Virginia Congressional races:


Pennsylvania Congressional races:


Here's what you need to do. Let's turn Virginia and Pennsylvania blue!

Requirements for reimbursement:

  • Email correspondingsecretary at that you're interested

  • Volunteer at a campaign office in Virginia or Pennsylvania for canvassing/door to door, phone banking or office work. Canvassing/door to door is preferred and does the most good. 

    • Make sure to register via the links above!

  • Provide a dated receipt to correspondingsecretary at for your rental car, ZipCar or similar service, or for your gas

  • Provide documentation that you volunteered, such as a picture of your name on the sign-in sheet at the campaign office (with date), a picture of you and friends canvassing with a packet (with date), or a screenshot of a canvassing app


  • Bring friends! More people canvassing is better and more fun.

  • Try to do more than one packet -- often there are needs for lots of packets.

  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and dress in layers in case it gets warm or cold.


Let us know and sign up for a campaign today!


We can't reimburse for overnight lodging, but many campaigns will offer housing to volunteers as well. 


Thank you, and hope to see you canvassing!

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